Virtual School
Dear Parents;
All Kindergarten Virtual classes will begin logging on at 7:30 am Monday through Friday and classes will start at 8:00 am. Please be on Time; Attendance will be taken daily.
If there is a computer issue please communicate that information with your child’s teacher as soon as possible through Classtag.
Please remind your child about our Online Classroom Manners:
*Listen: Remain quiet while others are talking.
*Stay Focused: Do your work and Be Neat.
*Be Prepared: Have school supplies near you.
*No Eating or Drinking while Online in class.
*Keep the video camera on and remain at your computer and Participate in the lesson.
*You will be graded on your participation and the work you complete in class.
*Remember to complete all homework assignments.
*Practice sight words with your child and Read with and to your child everyday.
*Count and identify numbers 1 to 30.
Thank you for all your help and support. Let’s continue working together to ensure that your child has a successful school year.
Growing Together,
Mrs. Pankuch, Mrs. Mok, Mrs. Dodd, Ms. Frazier & Ms. Shelton