MS Teams / Attend Class / Lesson Plans
Ms. Archer Kindergarten & 1st Grade Music Lessons:
Everything is posted on Microsoft Teams for each grade level homeroom. If you can't access Microsoft Teams, please complete the assignment(s) using the links below
- Little Green Froggy warm up song (This is a REPEAT AFTER ME SONG! Please sing along and do the dance)
- You-Nique song (watch and dance)
- You-Nique BODY PERCUSSION song (with the video, perform the stomps, claps, snaps and shhhh's)
Kinder & 1st Grade Virtual Learning 8/30 & 8/31 Recording of Ms. Archer's Lesson
You-Nique Song Dance Party!
Body Percussion to You-Nique Perform the stomps, claps, snaps and shhhh's to this great song
The Little Green Froggy Song Perform the "repeat after me song" and DANCE!
Ms. Archer's 2nd-5th Grade Music Lessons:
Everything is posted on Microsoft Teams for each grade level homeroom. If you can't access Microsoft Teams, please complete the assignment(s) using the links below
- ALL 2nd-5th graders need to watch the attached Microsoft Teams video where Ms. Archer explains the assignment
- ALL 2nd-5th graders need to perform the stomps and claps that go along with the "Sunday Best" video
- ALL 2nd-5th graders need to submit the MUSIC Exit Ticket in order to get a grade for participating in virtual distance learning this week
2nd-5th Grades Virtual Learning 8/30 & 8/31 Recording of Ms. Archer's Lesson
Video from 8/30 & 8/31 Virtual Learning Lesson - "Sunday Best" video for the lesson activity
*** In addition to the posted lesson above, 4th grade students will have their quiz next week on the parts of the ukulele. Please use the attached ukulele diagram to prepare. I have included a blank quiz to practice/study with.
4th Grade Ukulele Diagram & Practice Quiz

You will only need these instructions and access from here the first time or two. After the initial process, you will access everything directly from your Teams App.
Step 1: Download the Microsoft Teams App (First Time Users)
Step 2: Be sure that you LOG IN to access your coursework. While you can attend the session as a guest, you will not have access to assignments, quizzes, recordings, etc without using your login sent to you by me in Class Dojo.
Step 3: Use your Microsoft Teams App and follow your schedule within the class.

Watch a help video about Microsoft Teams: